Feierbach’s fibreglass creation is a fantastic example of affordable, prefabricated and unrelenting Modern design that aligns well with more well-known examples such as the Suuronen’s Futuro and Disney’s House of the Future. All of plastic construction, Feierbach furthered these principles, designing a suspended plastic staircase that would have been welcomed into the Kartell decor lineup of the time. Furnishings, when not wholly-designed, were meticulously chosen and the hero of the FG 2000 is the 620 Chair Programme, the triumphant modular creation by Dieter Rams for Vitsœ that appears almost as a scaled down version of the house in which it resides. Feierbach had experience fabricating these forms and certainly translated this into the design development of the FG 2000 with its rounded corners, soft furnishings encapsulated by a solid shell and custom fixtures. A total of thirty-five houses were built to these specifications, many of which stand today with historical status.